Online Bibliographic Database On Religion and HIV

The CHART partially annotated bibliographic database was initiated as part of the cartography of HIV and AIDS, Religion and Theology project in 2008.  It formed the basis of the book project, Religion and HIV and AIDS: Charting the Terrain.  This resource is invaluable to researchers and practitioners throughout the world.  The data base contains over 2500 references on the interface of Religion and HIV and is updated biannually. 

Additional Bibliographic Resources

CHART Consultation May 2013

A consultation, “Contending with HIV, Contending with the Church: Building a Redemptive Religious Community” took place from 6th – 9th May at the Salt Rock Hotel, north of Durban. This consultation brought together Muslim and Christian leaders from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Rwanda, Kenya and Namibia where the findings of the project, “The Cartography of HIV and AIDS, Religion and Theology” were shared and a way forward for our future work mapped out. In addition to the plenary presentations available below, participants spent a great deal of time in small groups. Much of this discussion is outlined in the consultation report.

Other Resources